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  • This doesn’t feel new at all!


    Several years ago I started a service called IlBlog.it – it was around 2004/2005. I was fascinated by blogs and fell in love with the idea of many platforms like Splinder and Blogger of allowing people to create a blog without technical skills. No hosting, no FTP, no WordPress. Nothing, just a very clear interface, a domain, and your blog ready to be filled with thoughts, images, videos. How did it go? Well that’s a great story for another post!

    I wanted to open a blog for a long time, in 2015 it’s not a cool thing anymore (maybe the opposite?!) but who cares! I wanted to try WordPress.com for a long time, I never lost that passion for this kind of online product. I must say it’s beautiful, well designed, simple enough to use and incredibly beautiful in the way it’s organized. I love company’s mission too.

    So, yes, this is a blog. My blog. I couldn’t come up with a better name than Bellasios. It’s not the first time I use it (yes, another post as well). I’ll use it to talk about me and what I love in my work and in my life. Entrepreneurship and tech will just be a big part of this blog. I’ll use it also to comment that thousands of articles I save every day in my Instapaper that I’ll never read……

    Talk soon!


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