Lions, founders and large companies

This piece from Paul Graham is just a great read and a beautiful way to start thinking about your career and why you don’t necessarily need to work for a large company. Also, a great read for founders.

I particularly love the reference to building confidence for founders, it all starts there when you decide to build something 🙂

Looking back

2018 has been a tough one. I learned a lot, not always in the gentle way I would have loved to 🙂 It looks like 2019 will be as challenging as 2018, hopefully in new ways. I am not a huge fan of this kind of posts, but I have been thinking about what I learned in the last months.

The ability to trust my gut, to follow my will even when everyone told me I was going in the wrong direction. This way of looking at things has always been part of me, for some reason I lost that a bit in 2018, at times I felt I had to stay within the limits, for something, for someone at times.

Looking back, I can feel how much I missed that. It’s been a great lesson, 2018.